Cultural Competence 2 Disc Set
Cultural Competence 2 Disc Set
Disk 1: Belinda McCleese introduces herself and then provides an introduction to Cultural Competence. Following, Jonathan Webb and Belinda McCleese conduct an interview to further dive into cultural competence, especially as it relates to ASL interpreters.
Disk 2: Interpreters Amelia Boik and Stephanie Webb provide a cold/unrehearsed interpretation for Belinda's bio and presentation, and then team together for the interview. Stephanie and Amelia finish off by *debriefing the process and work.
Transcripts are provided for all five interpretations (2 bio, 2 presentation, 1 interview). Transcripts are available as a downloaded pdf. Excellent for use in discourse analysis, example/model interpreter analysis, and comparative analysis of ASL-spoken English interpretation.
*Interpreters' debrief is conducted in spoken English with open captions.