9A Fingerspelling- Adult Signers
9A Fingerspelling- Adult Signers
Fingerspelling: Comprehension in Context
Improve fingerspelling comprehension! Do you ever feel “the fingers move quicker than YOUR eyes?” This new DVD set has a unique option for “PACE ASSISTED FINGERSPELLING TM.” The signing stays at a natural pace, but you are given a hand with the fingerspelling pace! Receive exposure to a variety of signers; adults and/or children. Samples are packed with names, dates and numbers within the context of signed stories. Learn to use contextual cues to increase your comprehension and confidence.
Fingerspelling: Adult Signers
Practice reading fingerspelling in context with great ASL models; MJ Bienvenu, Gil Eastman, Patrick Graybill and more. Enhance your comprehension by selecting PACE ASSISTED FINGERSPELLING™. Many “extras” include: A Review by Billy Seago, performances by Billy and Howie Seago and more!